多重绿化景观:树不在多,巧植就行 |
添加时间:2017/9/13 16:57:28 浏览次数: |
近年来,常常可以看到一些地产项目宣传时以“五重绿化”、“六重绿化”等字眼作为卖点,这是什么意思呢? In recent years, you can often see some of the real estate project publicity to "five heavy green", "six heavy green" and other words as a selling point, what does this mean? 多重绿化通常指的是利用植被的不同高度组合形成有层次感的景观效果。以五重绿化为例,第一层地被、第二层花卉、第三层低矮灌木、第四层小乔木或大灌木、第五层为大乔木。 Multiple afforestation usually refers to the use of different heights of vegetation to form a layered landscape effect. Take the five heavy greening as an example, the first floor is covered with second layers of flowers, third layers of low shrubs, fourth small trees or big shrubs, and the fifth is a large tree. 多重绿化的景观设计不仅考虑到植被的视觉层次、叶色质感、树形冠幅和四季色彩的搭配,甚至还考虑到植物的香气以及鸟类昆虫的习性,从而打造出景观和生态的多样性。 The landscape design of multiple greening not only considering the vegetation collocation visual hierarchy, leaf color, texture and color of the tree crown seasons, even taking into account the aroma of the plant and bird insect habit, in order to create a landscape and ecological diversity. “ " 多重绿化的应用效果 Application effect of multiple greening 立体多层次的园林植被体系,将植物变成建筑的外立面,令人随时都有满目苍翠的感觉。同时,通过多重植被的丰富配置、亲密共生,打造怡人且富有生命气息的生态和生活环境。置身其中,可以从视觉和感官上同时感受四季变化的完美景致。 The stereoscopic and multi-level system of landscape vegetation makes the plants turn into the facade of the building, which makes them feel green at any time. At the same time, through the abundance of vegetation configuration, intimate symbiosis, to create a pleasant and rich life of the ecological and living environment. You can feel the perfect view of the seasons from both the visual and the sensory. “ " 多重绿化植物类型 Multiple greening plant types 目前多重绿化在工程实践中所涉及的苗木形态主要有: At present, multiple afforestation in engineering practice involves the form of seedlings mainly: 1、园冠阔叶大乔木,如法桐、元宝枫、国槐、白蜡等; 1, park crown broadleaved trees, such as Platanus orientalis, Sophora japonica, Acer truncatum, wax etc.; 2、高冠阔叶大乔木,如毛白杨、新疆杨等; 2, high crown broad-leaved tree, such as Populus tomentosa, Xinjiang poplar, etc.; 3、高塔形态常绿乔木,如桧柏、铅笔柏、大云杉等; 3, the tower shape of evergreen trees, such as juniper, cypress, spruce and other large pencil; 4、低矮塔形常绿乔木,如小云杉、翠柏球等; 4, the low tower of evergreen trees such as spruce, cypress and other small ball; 5、园冠型常绿乔木,如油松、白皮松等; 5, garden crown type evergreen tree, such as pine, Pinus bungeana etc.; 6、球类常绿灌木,如大叶黄杨球、金叶女贞球、紫叶小檗球、凤尾兰等; 6 ball, evergreen shrub, such as leaf Huang Yangqiu, Ligustrum ball, ball, etc. of CV; 7、修剪色带,如修剪大叶黄杨、金叶女贞、紫叶小檗等; 7, such as pruning pruning ribbon, Euonymus japonicus, Ligustrum lucidum cv. Etc.; 8、小乔木,如紫叶李、玉兰等; 8, small trees, such as Prunus ceraifera, magnolia; 9、竖形灌木,如玉兰、木槿等; 9, erect shrubs, such as magnolia, hibiscus etc.; 10、团型灌木,如榆叶梅、碧桃、紫薇、金银木等; 10, group type shrub, such as flowering plum, peach, crape myrtle, honeysuckle etc.; 11、可密植成片的灌木,如棣棠、迎春、锦带等; 11, planting shrub plots, such as Aruncus, Yingchun, Weigela etc.; 12、普通花卉型地被,如菊类、福禄考、景天、鼠尾草等; 12, ordinary flower type, such as chrysanthemum, Phlox, Sedum, sage, etc.; 13、长叶型地被,如鸢尾、萱草、玉带草、狼尾草、芒类等。 13, long leaf type, such as iris, lily, jade grass, Pennisetum, awn etc.. “ " 多重绿化植物配置建议 Suggestions for multiple greening plant configurations 1 One 层次丰富的垂直绿化 Vertical greening of various levels 多重垂直绿化,营造出富有灵动生命气息的生活体验。 Multiple vertical greening, to create a rich life experience of intelligent life. 2 Two 浪漫的景观主题 Romantic landscape themes 从平面构图、植物色彩、小品设置等等,极力烘托浪漫的景观主题。 From the plane composition, plant color, sketch settings, etc., to highlight the romantic theme of the landscape. 3 Three 色香味形色俱全的感官接触 Color color and taste of the senses 色:植物搭配四季有花、夏天要清雅,冬天要鲜艳;香:选择梅花、腊梅、紫薇、桂花等香花植物;味:全冠移植保证植物原汁原味的生长形态;形:360°树形审美,呈现最佳的观赏效果;声:喷泉和跌水经常被设置在社区入口、景观视线焦点等处,除了视觉效果还能能营造出潺潺的流水声,让人听到“景观的声音”。 Color: plant collocation, seasonal flowers, elegant summer, winter should be bright; incense: plum, wintersweet, crape myrtle, sweet osmanthus fragrant plants; taste: crown transplantation to ensure the growth form of plant original shape: 360 degrees; tree aesthetic, presents the best ornamental effect; sound: the fountain and the drop is often set at the community entrance, the line of sight focus, in addition to the visual effect but also can create a gurgling sound of water, let people hear the voice of the landscape "". 4 Four 曲径通幽的景观小径 Secluded trails landscape 硬质铺装与周围精心布置的植物景观,营造出独有的私密感和温馨感。 The hard paving and the well decorated plant landscape create a unique sense of privacy and warmth. 5 Five 贴合主题的情景化小品 A situational sketch with a theme attached to it 不同表现形式的景观小品,营造出自然的情景化生活氛围。 Different forms of landscape sketch, create a natural scene of life atmosphere. 6 Six 严谨的景观细节 Rigorous landscape detail 例如低矮的花坛周边用植物包围,植物包裹住建筑的硬角,垃圾桶也有绿化装饰等。 For example, a low flower bed surrounded by plants surrounded by plants wrapped in the hard corner of the building, the garbage can also have green decoration. 7 Seven 细心的园林维护 Careful garden maintenance 及时规整修剪、补活调整、处理枯枝败叶等。 Timely regular pruning, make adjustments to deal with live dead twigs and withered leaves. “ " 提高植物“性价比”的配置窍门 Tips on how to improve the cost performance of plants 1、 减少墙面显露面积,路边靠墙位置可堆土成坡后再进行种植; 1, reduce the wall exposed area, roadside wall position can pile soil into slope, then planting; 2、 高树种植在高点上; 2. Tall trees are planted at high points; 3、 尽量用小乔木或球状灌木代替片植灌木; 3, try to use small trees or globular shrubs instead of planting shrubs; 4、 讲枝型不完美的树木组合,高低搭配或群植、丛植; 4, talk about the branch type, not perfect tree combination, height collocation or group planting, clump planting; 5、 植物尽量以团状、片状布置,不显杂乱、单薄; 5, plant as much as a group, sheet layout, not messy, thin; 6、 用攀沿植物在入口、房角、路拐点、墙头等位置形成视觉焦点和趣味点; 6, with climbing plants in the entrance, along the road, the corner, wall and other inflection point position to form visual focus and point of interest; 7、 使用绿量大、绿色较重的常绿针叶或阔叶常绿植物作为树篱或围挡,结合混栽开花浓艳的乔木、灌木等。 7, the use of a large amount of green, green heavy or evergreen coniferous broad-leaved evergreen plants as a hedge or fence, with the mixed planting of trees, shrubs and other rich flowering. |
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