园林景观的虚与实|假山造景 |
添加时间:2017/9/11 14:41:01 浏览次数: |
假山具有多方面的造景功能,如构成园林的主景或地形骨架,划分和组织园林空间,布置庭院、驳岸、护坡、挡土,设置自然式花台。还可以与园林建筑、园路、场地和园林植物组合成富于变化的景致,借以减少人工气氛,增添自然生趣,使园林建筑融汇到山水环境中。因此,假山成为表现中国自然山水园的特征之一。 Rockery landscape function has many aspects, such as the composition of the main landscape or terrain skeleton, division and organization of landscape space, courtyard layout, revetment, slope protection, retaining the natural setting, taiwan. Can also and garden building, Garden Road, site and landscape plants combined into varied scenery, so as to reduce the artificial atmosphere, increase the natural life, the landscape architecture into landscape environment. Therefore, the rockery has become one of the characteristics of the natural landscape garden in china. 假山的叠石技法(或称手法),因地域不同,常将其分成北、南两派,即以北京为中心的北方流派和以太湖流域为中心的江南流派。其实北京假山自古多"自吴人垒"(朱尊彝句),大多受江南叠山匠师的影响,如清初的李渔,张涟、张然父子都属江南人氏,并在北京留有假山作品。尤其张涟和张然父子流寓京师,专事假山,名动公卿间,清初王士祯《居易录》云:"大学士宛平王公、招同大学士真定梁公、学士涓来兄游怡园,水石之妙有若天然,华亭(现上海松江)张然所造也。然字陶庵,其父号南垣,以意创为假山,以营丘、假山北苑、大痴、黄鹤画法为之,峰壑湍濑,曲折平远,经营惨淡,巧夺化工。南垣死,然继之。今瀛台、玉泉、畅春苑皆其所布置也。"从此其后人在北京专门以叠假山为业,人们称之为"山子张",并祖传有:安、连、接、斗、挎、拼、悬、剑、卡、垂"十字诀"。又流传有"安连接斗挎,拼悬卡剑垂,挑飘飞戗挂,钉担钩榫扎,填补缝垫杀,搭靠转换压"的"三十字诀"。江南一带则流传为叠、竖、垫、拼、挑、压、钩、挂、撑等"九字诀"。其实其造型技法大致相同,都是假山在堆叠过程中,山石与山石之间相互结合的一些基本形式和操作的造型技法。 Rockery rockery techniques (or techniques), because of regional differences, often divided into the north and South factions, namely, Beijing as the center of the northern schools and the Taihu River Valley as the center of the Jiangnan school. In fact, many ancient Beijing rockery from Wu Renlei "(Zhu Zunyiju), is mostly affected by the South Hill craftsmen, such as the early Qing Dynasty, Li Yu, Zhang Lian, Zhang Ran and his son are Jiangnan native, and works at the Beijing rockery. In particular, Zhang Lian and Zhang ran in the son, in the rockery, moving between Gongqing, "Yi Qing Wang Shizhen recorded" cloud: "university with bachelor Wanping Wang, Liang, really set, Juan to tour Yiyuan bachelor brother, if there are wonderful natural stone, Huating (now Shanghai Songjiang) made by Zhang Ran also. However, the word Tao An, his father, Nanyuan, with a rockery, rockery garden, to Camp Hill, Tai Chi, "the painting for the peak, and the shallow rapids, tortuous Pingyuan, recession, ingenious chemical. South wall died, then ran. Today, Jade Spring ying'tai, is the arrangement of Chang Chun yuan. "From its descendants in Beijing dedicated to stacking rockery industry, known as the" mountain ", and there is an ancestral, even then,:, bucket, Ku, fight, suspension, sword, card, cross vertical" tactic". And spread the "safety connection with bucket, spell card sword hanging down, pick hang nail bear hook closure Piaofei, tenon bar, fill the joint pad to kill, take on conversion pressure" and "thirty words". Jiangnan area is spread to "stack, vertical, pad, fight, pick, pressure, hook, hang, support" and so on, "nine characters" tactic". In fact, its modeling techniques are approximately the same. They are the basic forms and operation modeling techniques of rockery in the process of stacking. 造景功能 Landscaping function 假山能组织划分、分隔空间 The rockery can organize and divide the space 利用假山大型建筑物特性对园林空间进行分隔和划分,将空间分成大小不同、形状各异、富于变化的各种空间形态。通过假山的穿插、分隔、夹拥、围合、聚汇,在假山区可以创造出山路的流动空间、山坳的闭合空间、山洞的拱穹空间、峡谷的纵深空间等各具特色的空间形式。假山还能够将游人的视线或视点引到高处或低处,创造仰视和俯视空间景象。 Using the features of rockery and large buildings, the garden space is divided and divided, and the space is divided into various spatial forms with different sizes, shapes and variations. The rockery interludes, separation, hold, Wai, waist clip can be created in the District, rockery mountain flow space, closed space, col cave arch space, canyon deep space and other characteristics of the space form. The rockery can also take visitors' sight or view point to the height or the lower level, and create the space of looking up and overlooking. 假山能因地制宜、协调环境 Rockery can adjust measures to local conditions and coordinate the environment 园林假山能够提供的环境类型比平坦地形要多得多。在塑石假山区,不同坡度、不同坡向、不同光照条件、不同土质、不同通风条件的情况随处可寻,这就给不同生态习性的多种植物都提供了众多的良好的生长环境条件,有利于提高假山区的生态质量和植物景观质量。 Garden rockery provides more environmental types than flat terrain. In the rockery of different area, different slope and aspect, different light conditions and different soil and different ventilation conditions can be found everywhere, which gives a variety of plants with different ecological habits have provided many good growth environment, improve the quality of false mountain ecological quality and plant landscape. 塑石假山是造景小品、点缀风景 Rockery plastic stone is a landscape sketch, dotted landscape 假山与石景景观是自然山地景观在园林中的艺术再现。在庭院中、园路边、广场上、水池边、墙角处,甚至在屋顶花园等多种环境中,假山和石景还能作为园林小品,用来点缀风景、增添情趣,起到造景与点景的作用。自然界的奇峰异石、悬崖峭壁、层峦叠嶂、深峡幽谷、泉石洞穴、海岛石礁等景观形象都可以通过塑石假山石景在园林中再现出来。 Rockery and stone landscape are the artistic reproduction of natural mountain landscape in the garden. The corner in the courtyard, road edge, square, pool, and even in Roof garden and other environments, and can be used as a rockery stone garden, to adorn scenery, add to the fun, play the role of landscape and landscape. The nature of the qifengyidan, deep valleys, precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs, layer upon layer of peaks and knolls and Quanzhou stone caves, stone reef island landscape image through the rockery stone scenery reproduced in the garden. 中国园林是一种自然式山水园林,追求天然之趣是中国园林的基本特征。在造园中掇石叠山被列为造园的第一要素。由于私家园林空间的局限性,这就要求造园者充分利用空间造出咫尺山林的意境。假山的出现,恰好造就了虚实之景。 Chinese garden is a kind of natural landscape garden, and the pursuit of natural interest is the basic characteristic of Chinese garden. In the garden rockery was listed as the first elements of garden. Due to the limitation of the private garden space, which requires the gardeners make full use of the space to create the right close by the mood of the mountains. The emergence of rockery, just created the reality of the scene. |
上一页 多重绿化景观:树不在多,巧植就行 |
下一页 园林假山的施工工艺 |
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