绿化景观不在树多 —— 浅析“多重绿化” |
添加时间:2017/9/4 17:36:25 浏览次数: |
多重绿化是什么意思呢? What does multigreening mean? 常用到“五重绿化”、“六重绿化”这样的宣传词,这是什么意思? What do you mean by "five heavy green" and "six greening"? “几重绿化”是指利用植被的不同高度组合形成有层次感的景观效果,一般为“三重绿化”:第一重为低矮的地被植物,如草皮、低矮花卉;第二重为灌木类植物;第三重为高大的乔木类植物。 "Green" refers to the combination of using the different height of vegetation form have administrative levels feeling of the landscape effect, generally for the "triple greening" : the first heavy for low groundcover plants, such as sod, low flowers; The second is shrub plant; The third is the tall trees. “做到四或五重绿化就被认为是比较不错的,以五重绿化为例,第一层地被(草皮)、第二层花卉、第三层低矮灌木、第四层小乔木或大灌木、第五层为大乔木。购房者可以在已经完成的园区内观察。但并非说五重绿化,就意味着园区每一处都要达到五重效果。” "Four or five greening is considered to be relatively good, five heavy green, for example, was the first layer (sod), the second low shrubs, flowers, the third layer layer 4 small trees or shrubs, fifth floor is for big trees. Buyers can look inside the completed parks. But not to say that five greening means that every area of the park has to have five effects. 大面积的草坪要看草种的选择。在东北,一般适合观赏的草坪,生命周期仅2-3年,2-3年后就需重新更换,这对物业公司的要求比较高。因而购买有此类景观的小区,还需要注意物业公司是否有实力进行景观维护。 A large area of lawn depends on the choice of grass. In the northeast, generally suitable for viewing the lawn, life cycle only 2-3 years, 2-3 years will need to be replaced, which is relatively high for property companies. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the property company has the strength to maintain the landscape. 另外,为打造浓密的绿化景观,树种得非常密,并不好,种得太密而没有留出空间,不利于树种以后再生长。种树也应选择在冬季进行。有的小区为打造出景观示范区,选择在夏季移植树木,这样树的成活率极低。这就是为什么我们会看到有的树木“打吊瓶”,靠营养液维持生命。通常,开发商与园林签订树木“保活”合同,约定的树木保活年限为2-3年。 In addition, in order to build a dense green landscape, the tree species are very dense, not good, the plant is too dense to leave space, the tree species will not grow again. Trees should also be planted in the winter. In some communities, to create a landscape demonstration area, choose to transplant trees in summer, so that the survival rate of the tree is extremely low. That's why we can see some trees "sling bottles" and keep them alive with nutrients. Usually, the developer signs the tree "live" contract with the garden, and the promised tree is two to three years. 南北植物种植是由差异的, 相对来说,北方的植物种植的要求更高。 North and south plant farming is different, and northern plants are more demanding. 很多小区喜欢选用白桦树、蒙古栎、五角枫、三角枫、果树等类树种,这些树种适合北方住宅小区吗? Many communities like to choose white birch, Mongolian oak, pentagonal, triangular maple, fruit trees and other kinds of tree species, these trees are suitable for the north residential community? 白桦树、蒙古栎、五角枫、三角枫都是适合北方的树种。其中白桦树和蒙古栎有很强的耐低温能力。“种植白桦树要特别注意环境,它要求环境清洁、湿度适宜,可以种在小区里,但如种在临街处,则往往会因为城市污染,而导致它的成活率降低。”崔云鹏介绍。蒙古栎是四季树种,叶片会随季节而变色,且秋冬不落叶,因而特别适合用在小区景观中。五角枫、三角枫属于槭树科,同蒙古栎一样,秋天不落叶。 White birch, Mongolian oak, pentamaple, and triangular maple are all suitable for the north. White birch and Mongolian oak have a strong ability to withstand low temperature. "Grown birch pay special attention to the environment, it requires a clean environment, humidity is appropriate, can be in the neighborhood, but as in the street, often because of urban pollution, and results in the decrease of its survival rate." Cui yunpeng introduces. Mongolian oak is the four seasons tree species, leaves will change with the season, and the autumn and winter will not fall leaves, therefore especially suitable for use in the residential landscape. The pentagonal and triangular maples belong to the aceraceae family, and like the Mongolian oak, autumn leaves no leaf. 另外,山杏、李子、京桃、山楂等这类果树也经常被用在小区绿化中。与其他树种比较,果树最需要注意的是防治病虫害。但种植在园区内的果树主要以观赏为主,其结果的能力多已弱化。 In addition, the fruit trees such as ginkgo, plum, peaches and hawthorn are often used in the greening of the community. Compared with other tree species, the most important thing for fruit trees is to control pests and diseases. However, the fruit trees planted in the park are mainly ornamental, and its results are much less capable. "多重绿化"设计不仅考虑到植被的视觉层次、叶色质感、树形冠幅、四季色彩的搭配,甚至关照到植物的香气、鸟类昆虫的习性,很容易打造出景观和生态的多样性和宜居性。 "Multiple greening design not only considering the visual hierarchy of vegetation, leaf color, texture, tree crown, the four seasons of color is tie-in, even the aroma of attention to the plant, the habits of insects, birds, it is easy to create landscape and ecological diversity and livability. 一、“多重绿化”带来怎样的体验感受? What is the experience of "multi-greening"? 立体多层次的园林植被体系,将植物变成建筑的外立面,让社区里满眼都是绿;同时,通过多重植被的丰富配置、亲密共生,打造景观的生物多样性,生态宜人性,营造出富有强烈生命气息的生活场景。居住在社区里,不仅从视觉,更能从感官上感受四季变化的完美景致。 The multi-layered garden vegetation system, which turns the plant into the facade of the building, makes the community full of green; At the same time, through the rich configuration and close symbiosis of multiple vegetation, the biodiversity of the landscape is built, the ecological and appropriate human nature is created, and the life scene with a strong life breath is created. Living in the community, not only from the vision, but also can feel the four seasons of the perfect scenery. 二、“多重绿化”的构成(不妨先机械的掌握些以下数据) Ii. The composition of "multiple greening" (please master the following data first) 第一层:高7-8米,胸径20公分的大乔木勾勒天际; The first layer: 7-8 meters tall, with a diameter of 20 cm, and a picture of the horizon; 第二层:4-5米高的小乔木、大灌木增添层次; Level 2:4-5 m tall small trees, big shrubs add level; 第三层:2-3米高的灌木; Layer 3:2-3 m tall shrubs; 第四层:花卉、小灌木是层次最为丰富的部分; The fourth layer: flowers, small shrubs are the most abundant part; 第五层:草坪、地被供人近赏。 The fifth floor: the lawn is being offered near. |
上一页 利用绿化景观划分多层次庭院空间 |
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