假山与石景景观是自然山地景观在园林中的艺术再现 |
添加时间:2021/11/19 14:04:41 浏览次数: |
假山与石景景观是自然山地景观在园林中的艺术再现。在庭院中、园路边、广场上、水池边、墙角处,甚至在屋顶花园等多种环境中,假山和石景还能作为园林小品,用来点缀风景、增添情趣,起到造景与点景的作用。自然界的奇峰异石、悬崖峭壁、层峦叠保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定空调移机 保定太阳能维修 保定厨房排烟 雄安管道通风 嶂、深峡幽谷、泉石洞穴、海岛石礁等景观形象都可以通过塑石假山石景在园林中再现出来。 Rockery and stone landscape are the artistic representation of natural mountain landscape in gardens. In the courtyard, Garden Road, square, pool, corner, even in the roof garden and other environments, rockery and stone landscape can also be used as garden pieces to embellish the landscape, add interest, and play a role in creating scenery and spot view. The natural landscape images of strange peaks and rocks, cliffs and cliffs, mountains and mountains, deep gorges and valleys, spring stone caves, island rocks and reefs can be reproduced in the garden through the stone rockery |
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