草坪是指人工建造和护理的绿化美化草地 |
添加时间:2021/10/18 15:36:05 浏览次数: |
草坪是指人工建造和护理的绿化美化草地,多为由矮性禾本科或莎草科多年生草本植物组成的致密似毡的植物群体。地被植物是指像被子一样覆盖在裸露地面上的低矮植物,其植物体所形成的枝叶层紧密地与地面相接,对地面起着良好的保护和装饰作用。园林绿地中的地被植物,有的是人工种植的,但也有不少是自繁能力较强的野生种。从广义的概念讲,草坪也属于地流水槽模具 u型槽模具 电缆槽模具 隔离墩钢模具 护坡砖模具 钢制闸门 螺杆式启闭机 卷扬式启闭机被植物的范畴。 Lawn refers to the artificial construction and care of greening and beautifying grassland, mostly composed of dwarf grasses or perennial herbs of Cyperaceae. Ground cover plants are low plants that cover the bare ground like quilt. The branches and leaves formed by the plant body are closely connected with the ground and play a good role in protecting and decorating the ground. Groundcover plants in garden green space are planted artificially, but there are also many wild species with strong self-reproductive ability. In a broad sense, lawn also belongs to the category of ground cover plants |
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