绿化景观设计构想 |
添加时间:2021/7/15 8:38:11 浏览次数: |
设计构想 Design conception 通过了解大量的资料、图片,结合基址的实际情况和地域特色及各种经济、技术指标初步勾划出大体设计思路和规划格局,首先确定设计风格,如中式、欧式、德式或日式,然后逐步从整体到局部,从个体到细节,一步步地往下深入,使各部分成为既有整体又有局部,扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训既有联系又有区别,既有统一又有特色的景致。在实现效果上,要注重起伏变化,疏密相间,动静结合,声色相伴,软硬相接,做到既有高潮又有亮点,既生动又活泼。总之,要根据不同风格做出不同设计构思,营造出丰富有趣、健康宜人的环境来。 Based on a large number of materials and pictures, combined with the actual situation and regional characteristics of the site, as well as various economic and technical indicators, the general design ideas and planning pattern are initially outlined. First, the design style is determined, such as Chinese, European, German or Japanese, and then gradually from the whole to the local, from the individual to the details, step by step, Make each part become a scene with both whole and part, connection and difference, unity and characteristic. In the realization of the effect, we should pay attention to ups and downs, alternate density, dynamic and static combination, sound and color, soft and hard joint, to achieve both climax and highlight, both vivid and lively. In short, we should make different design ideas according to different styles to create a rich, interesting, healthy and pleasant environment. |
上一页 园林 工程 景观 花园的灵魂就是景观植物 |
下一页 假山具有多方面的造景功能 |
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