假山种类 |
添加时间:2020/1/14 15:39:27 浏览次数: |
假山按材料可分为土山、石山和土石相间的山(土多称土山戴石,石多称石山戴土)﹔按施工方式可分为筑山(版筑土山)、掇山(用山石掇合成山)、凿山(开凿自然岩石成山)和塑山(传统是用石灰浆塑成的,现代是用水泥、砖、钢丝网等塑成的假山。按在园林中的位置和用途可分为园山、厅山、楼山、阁山、书房山、池山、室内山、壁山和兽山。假山的组合形态分为山体和水体。山体包括峰、峦、顶、岭、谷、壑、岗、壁、岩、岫、洞、坞、麓、台、磴道和栈道﹔水体包括泉、瀑、潭、溪、涧、池、矶和汀石等。山水宜结合一体,才相得益彰。 According to the materials, rockery can be divided into earth mountain, stone mountain and earth rock mountain (most of the earth is called Earth mountain with stone, and most of the stone is called stone mountain with earth); according to the construction method, rockery can be divided into mountain building (block building of earth mountain), mountain building (combining mountain with stone), mountain cutting (cutting natural rock into mountain) and mountain building (traditionally made of lime slurry, modern rockery is made of cement, brick, wire mesh, etc. According to its position and use in the garden, it can be divided into Yuanshan, Tingshan, Loushan, Geshan, Shufang mountain, Chi mountain, indoor mountain, Bi mountain and beast mountain. The combination form of rockery can be divided into mountain body and water body. Mountains include peaks, mountains, peaks, ridges, valleys, ravines, hills, walls, rocks, hills, caves, docks, foothills, platforms, Dengdao and Zhandao; water bodies include springs, waterfalls, pools, streams, pools, JIS and Tingshi. Landscape should be integrated to complement each other. |
上一页 苗木基地多元化发展探索 |
下一页 假山是园林中以造景为目的 |
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