四季管理(1) |
添加时间:2019/8/17 15:28:02 浏览次数: |
四季管理 Four Seasons Management 冬季管理 Winter management 冬是春的开始也是秋的延续,此时虽迈入冬季,但部分苗木的木质化程度仍未完全完成,极易受到突然寒潮的伤害。故,此时应密切关注天气变化,提前做好防寒准备。并做好冬剪工作,为苗木来年春天的生长储存养分及提高苗木的抗寒性,以保证苗木安全越冬。具体管理措施如下: Winter is the beginning of spring and the continuation of autumn. At this time, although entering winter, the lignification degree of some seedlings has not been completely completed, and they are vulnerable to sudden cold wave. Therefore, we should pay close attention to the weather changes and make preparations for cold prevention in advance. And do a good job of winter cutting, store nutrients for the growth of seedlings next spring and improve the cold resistance of seedlings, in order to ensure the safe overwintering of seedlings. Specific management measures are as follows: 1)、冬剪:除去苗木下部弱枝、徒长枝、交叉枝、病虫枝等,并随着冬剪工作,完成苗木的整形、定杆。 1) Winter pruning: remove weak branches, elongated branches, cross branches, disease and insect branches, etc. from the lower part of the seedlings, and complete the shaping and pole setting of the seedlings with the winter pruning work. 2)、病虫防治:此时病虫防治工作,主要体现在清理易发病虫害圃间的杂草、落叶。将杂草、落叶进行集中烧毁,以破坏病虫害的越冬环境。并配合使用石硫合剂对易感病虫害的苗木进行树干涂白处理。 2) Disease and pest control: At this time, the work of disease and pest control is mainly reflected in clearing weeds and deciduous leaves between susceptible pest nurseries. Weeds and deciduous leaves were burned to destroy the overwintering environment of pests and diseases. The seedlings susceptible to diseases and insect pests were whitened with Shi Sulfur Mixture. 3)、深施基肥:基肥的肥效较慢。故,应在苗木的生长期到来之前完成施肥工作,只有这样才能为春季苗木的生长提供充足的养分。 3) Deep application of base fertilizer: the effect of base fertilizer is slow. Therefore, fertilization should be completed before the arrival of seedling growth, in order to provide sufficient nutrients for spring seedling growth. 4)、越冬防寒:随着冬季的来临,应提前做好新栽苗木及不耐寒苗木的越冬保暖措施。 4) Overwintering and cold prevention: With the advent of winter, we should do a good job in advance of the winter warming measures for newly planted seedlings and cold-resistant seedlings. 5)、苗木存活率统计:做好本年度苗木存活率的统计核查工作,为来年田间补苗做好生产准备。 5) Survival statistics of seedlings: do a good job of statistical verification of the survival rate of seedlings in this year, and prepare for the production of field seedlings in the coming year. |
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