园林假山的施工工艺 |
添加时间:2017/12/21 18:06:42 浏览次数: |
随着园林工程中假山的广泛应用,假山已成为园林工程中非常重要的组成部分。假山通常是指利用人工堆砌的方法,仿照自然山水,再经艺术加工而制成,不论假山采取的任何材料,能称之为假山的,都是指人工堆成的山。其实通常所称之的假山不仅包括假山,包括置石部分,人工堆砌假山的目的是为了造景,以供游览,多以土或石等为原料,参照自然山水的基础上,进行艺术加工和提炼,从而形成人造的山水景观假山的个体较大,而且集中,具有自然山林的高崇、雄伟之势,其可以以土为材料,也可以以石为材料,也有土石结合而组成的假山。而置石则具有较多的分类,有持置、对置、散置和群置等,其体量较小且分散,主要以观赏为主,通常是以山石为原料来进行独立造景或是附属性配置来进行造景,其不具备完整的山形,主要表现山石的个体美。在近年来我国的园林景观中,开始利用先进的工艺,利用其他原料来进行置石和假山的塑造,从而成为假山工程中的一种专门工艺。 With the extensive application of rockery in landscape engineering, rockery has become a very important part of landscape engineering. Rockery usually refers to the use of artificial piling up method, modeled on natural landscape, and then made by artistic processing, regardless of the rockery to take any material, can be called "rockery", refers to the artificial heap of mountains. In fact, usually called the rockery includes not only the rockery, including stone, artificial rockery to landscaping, for the tour, with earth or stone as raw materials, based on the natural landscape, art processing and refining, thus forming a man-made landscape landscape rockery and larger. With the high concentration of natural forests, magnificent Chong potential, it can be with soil material, can also be stone materials are combined and the composition of the rockery stone. The stone has more classification, to the opposite, loose and Qunzhi, its volume is small and scattered, mainly to watch, usually in the rocks as raw material to carry out independent landscaping or is attached to its attribute configuration design, does not have the complete shape of individual beauty are the main rocks. In recent years, the landscape architecture in our country has begun to use advanced technology and other materials for shaping stones and rockery, thus becoming a special process in rockery engineering. 园林假山的施工特点 Construction features of garden rockery 一、艺术性 I. artistry 在进行假山堆砌时,需要建造者具有人为的艺术理念,这样才能保证塑造出来的假山具有雄伟、磅礴的气势,与周边的建筑等相得益彰 。 The rockery piled up, with the human need builders of the artistic concept, so as to ensure the shape of the rockery is magnificent, majestic momentum, and the surrounding buildings complement each other. 二、风格各异 Two, different styles 假山是仿造自然山水的艺术作品,所以在堆砌时利用不同的石材可以表现出不同的风格。 Rockery is an imitation of natural landscape works of art, so when stacked, using different stones can show different styles. 三、可以在非产石区进行应用 Three, it can be applied in non stone producing area 目前利用其他原料代替石料来塑造假山的工艺不断成熟,由于其取材广泛,成本较低,所以可以在非产石区进行假山的堆叠。 At present, the use of other raw materials instead of stone to shape rockery process continues to mature, because of its extensive materials, low cost, so you can rockery in the non production area of the stack. 四、施工灵活,不受限制 Four, flexible construction, unrestricted 进行假山施工时具有较好的灵活性,不会受到地形及地物的限制,对于一此无法进人的空间,可以利用假山来营造出良好的效果。 Rockery construction has better flexibility, will not be limited terrain and features, for this can not enter the space, you can use rockery to create a good effect. 五、利于附属设施的设置 Five, conducive to the installation of ancillary facilities 在假山堆砌过程中,更利于一此绿化、水槽等跌水位置系统的设置。 In the process of stacking rockery, more conducive to the green, water drop location system settings. 假山施工技术 Rockery construction technology 一、施工准备。 I. construction preparation. 在进行假山堆叠前需要熟悉图纸,对现场地形、地质及地基等情况进行勘察,以便于根据现场的实际情况来进行施工方案的选择。由于假山工程具有其特殊性,其设计不可能一步到位,也不可能像自然界中的山体那样面面俱到的进行细致的体现,假山一般情况下只是将山体的大致轮廓及主要剖面进行表面,所以在施工前通常都会先制作模型,这样在施工时才能更方便,使设计意图更完整的表现出来。 Before making rockery stacking, it is necessary to know the drawings, to survey the topography, geology and foundation, so as to select the construction plan according to the actual situation at the site. Because of the particularity of rockery, its design can not step, can not be as exhaustive in nature, like the mountain detailed embodiment, will just outline the mountain and main section of the surface under the rockery in general, so before construction usually first production model, so in construction more convenient, more complete design intent to show. 二、定点放线 Two, fixed-point line 放线需要对假山的平面图及每一部位的坐标点位进行标注出来,所以在现场放线过程中,需要按照比例尽,利用白石粉、竹签及小木棒等做好标记,以免出现差错。 Put the line to a planar diagram of the rockery and each parts of the coordinates are marked out, so put the line process in the field, according to the proportion, the use of white stone powder, bamboo sticks and small stick mark, so as to avoid mistakes. 三、基础施工。 Three, foundation construction. 基础施工包括桩基、灰土基础及混凝土基础施工。对于桩基工程,特别在水中的假山或驳岸用得很广泛。木桩多选用松木桩或杉木桩。木桩顶面的直径约为10-15cm,平面布置按梅花形排列。桩边至桩边的距离约为20cm。桩必须打到硬层,顶端露出湖底十儿厘米至儿十厘米,其间用块石嵌紧,用条石压顶,条石上面才是自然形态的山石。对于灰土基础,有比较好的凝固条件。灰土一旦凝固便不透水,可以减少土壤冻胀的破坏。灰土基础的宽度应比假山底面宽度宽出约O.5m左右,以保证假山的重力沿压力分布的角度均匀地传递到素土层。灰槽深度一般为50-60cm。对于混凝土基础施工,这种基础耐压强度大,施工速度又快。其所选用的混凝土需要具体根据山体的高度、体积、质量和土层情况而定。 The foundation construction includes pile foundation, lime soil foundation and concrete foundation construction. For the pile foundation engineering, especially in water rockery or revetment with a very wide range. Pine piles or fir stakes are often used for stakes. The diameter of the pile top surface is about 10-15cm, and the layout is arranged in plum shape. The distance between the pile edge and the pile is about 20cm. The pile must hit the hard layer, the top ten cm exposed at the bottom to ten cm, separated by a stone block tightly with stone coping, stone is above the natural form of rocks. For lime soil foundation, there are better solidification conditions. Once the lime soil is solidified, it will be impermeable to water and reduce soil frost heaving. The width of the lime soil foundation should be about O.5m wider than the width of the bottom of the rockery, so as to ensure that the gravity of the rockery passes uniformly to the plain soil layer along the direction of the pressure distribution. The depth of the ash trough is usually 50-60cm. For concrete foundation construction, this foundation has great compressive strength and fast construction speed. The concrete to be chosen depends on the height, volume, quality and soil condition of the mountain. 四、山体施工 Four, mountain construction 山石叠置的施工要点 Construction points of rockery overlay 熟悉图纸:在进行山石叠置前需要对其图纸进行充分的掌握,囚为石头的形状较为奇特,所以在叠石时不容易掌握,囚此在施工前,需要首先制作模型,这样可以对设计者的意图进行把握。对于假山施工的图纸,许多时候都是大样图,这样就无法在施工中以此为依据,也起不到指导的作用,所以需要进行多次样稿的制作,与设计师进行充分的沟通,并反复进行修改,真正的了解设计师的真实意图,从而利用最适合的施工工艺进行假山工程的施工勘查现场:对施工现场的勘查是假山施工中的重点,需要在勘查过程中了解现场土质的情况,对地基的承载力进行了解,确保地基能够承载得了山体的荷载,确保山体的稳定性。同时还要根据场地的大小、地形、交通及植被等选择施工方法。目前在一此大型假山工程中,为了保证基础的牢固性,其基础大多选择混凝土来进行施工。 Familiar with the drawings in the stack rocks need to be fully grasp of the drawings before, because the shape of stone is more peculiar, so it is not easy to grasp in Dieshi, therefore before construction, need to first production model, so we can grasp the designer's intention. The rockery construction drawings, many are drawing, so you can not in the construction on this basis, also does not play the guiding role, so it is necessary to make a series of Yang Gao, communicate with the designer, and repeatedly modified, really understand the true intentions of designers, construction and the rockery construction technology is most suitable for the scene: on the construction site survey is the focus of the construction of the rockery, need to understand in the exploration process on site soil conditions, to understand the bearing capacity of the foundation, to ensure that the foundation can bear load got the mountain, to ensure the stability of the mountain. At the same time, according to the size of the site, topography, traffic and vegetation, and so on, select construction methods. At present, in a large rockery project, in order to ensure the foundation of the solid, the majority of its foundation to select concrete for construction. |
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