园林假山工程 |
添加时间:2017/10/20 13:53:38 浏览次数: |
假山工程的特点 Characteristics of rockery Engineering 假山艺术最根本的原则是“有真为假,做假成真”。大自然的山水是假山创作的艺术源泉和依据。真山虽好,却难得经常游览。假山布置在住宅附近,作为艺术作品,比真山更为概括、更为精炼,可寓以人的思想感情,使之有“片山有致,寸石生情”的魅力。人为的假山不露人工的痕迹,令人真假难辨。与中国传统的山水画一脉相承的假山,贵在似真非真,虽假犹真,耐人寻味。 The principle of rockery art is the most fundamental "is really false, false true". The landscape of nature is the artistic source and basis of rockery creation. The mountain is good, but it is seldom visited. Rockery arranged in the vicinity of residential, as a work of art, more generalization than the true mountain, more refined, can be embedded in people's thoughts and feelings, so that there is a "piece of mountain have, inch stone born love" charm. Artificial rockery does not show artificial traces, it is true or false. In line with the China traditional landscape painting of the rockery, is only half real, although still really false, intriguing. 假山的主要理法有相地布局,混假于真;宾主分明;兼顾三远;依皴合山。按照水脉和山石的自然皴纹,将零碎的山石材料堆砌成为有整体感和一定类型的假山,使之远观有“势”,近看有“质”和对比衬托,包括大小、曲直、收放、明晦、起伏、虚实、寂喧、幽旷、浓淡、向背、险夷等。在工程结构方面主要技术是要求有稳固耐久的基础,递层而起,石间互咬,等分平衡,达到“其状可骇,万无一失”的效果。 The main method is rockery layout, mix the false to true; clear; consideration of three yuan; according to the method of heshan. According to the water and rocks of the natural texture, fragmentary rocks have become the material making up the overall sense and certain types of rockery, so far the concept of "potential" and "quality" in contrast, including size, right and wrong, and put the Ming Hui, ups and downs, the actual situation, and noise, quiet open shade the back, Yi insurance etc.. In the engineering structure, the main technology is to require a stable and durable foundation, layer by layer, stone each other bite, equal balance, to achieve "its shape is horrible, foolproof" effect. 假山具有多方面的造景功能,如构成园林的主景或地形骨架,划分和组织园林空间,布置庭院、驳岸、护坡、挡土,设置自然式花台。还可以与园林建筑、园路、场地和园林植物组合成富于变化的景致,借以减少人工气氛,增添自然生趣,使园林建筑融汇到山水环境中。因此,假山成为表现中国自然山水园的特征之一。 Rockery landscape function has many aspects, such as the composition of the main landscape or terrain skeleton, division and organization of landscape space, courtyard layout, revetment, slope protection, retaining the natural setting, taiwan. Can also and garden building, Garden Road, site and landscape plants combined into varied scenery, so as to reduce the artificial atmosphere, increase the natural life, the landscape architecture into landscape environment. Therefore, rockery has become one of the characteristics of Chinese natural landscape garden. 假山如何”做假成真” How to come true "rockery" 叠石掇山,虽石无定形,但山有定法,所谓法者,就是指山的脉络气势,这与绘画中的画理是一样的。大凡成功的叠山家无不以天然山水为蓝本,再参以画理之所示,外师造化,中发心源,才营造出源于自然而高于自然的假山作品。 Rock piling stone, although amorphous, but the mountain is fixed, the so-called law, is refers to the context of momentum, and this painting in the painting is the same. The successful rockery family is based on the natural landscape, and then to the painting theory, the external division of nature, in the heart, only to create a natural and higher than the nature of rockery works. 在园林中堆叠假山,由于受占地面积和空间的限制,在假山的总体布局和造型设计上常常借鉴绘画中的“三远(即高远,深远,平远)”原理,以在咫尺之内,表现千里之致。 Stacked in the garden rockery, covers an area of and due to space constraints, the overall layout and design of rockery often from painting in the "three far (i.e., lofty, profound, Pingyuan)" principle, to close within thousands of miles by performance. 高远 Lofty 根据透视原理,采用仰视的手法,而创作的峭壁千仞、雄伟险峻的山体景观。如苏州耦园的东园黄石假山,用悬崖高峰与临池深渊,构成为典型的高远山水的组景关系;在布局上,采用西高东低,西部临池处叠成悬崖峭壁,并用低水位、小池面的水体作衬托,以达到在小空间中,有如置身高山深渊前的意境联想;再加上采用浑厚苍老的竖置黄石,仿效石英砂质岩的竖向节理,运用中国画中的斧劈皴法进行堆叠,显得挺拔刚坚,并富有自然风化的美感意趣。 According to the principle of perspective, by looking up the way of creation, grand and steep cliffs Maninsan 1000 mountain landscape. Such as Suzhou's Huangshi Dongyuan Park rockery, pond with cliff peak and abyss, constitute a typical landscape of the lofty landscape; in the layout, the East West High low, Western pond at Diecheng and low water level, precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs, the pond water as a foil, in order to achieve in a small space, such as the the height of mountain abyss of artistic conception of Lenovo; plus the vigorous old Huangshi vertical, vertical joint imitation quartz arenites, using Chinese painting Cunfa ax are stacked, and is just Kennedy, and rich natural weathering aesthetic charm. 深远 far-reaching 表现山势连绵,或两山并峙、犬牙交错的山体景观,具有层次丰富、景色幽深的特点。如果说高远注重的是立面设计,那么深远要表现的则为平面设计中的纵向推进。在自然界中,诸如由于河流的下切作用等,所形成的深山峡谷地貌,给人以深远险峻之美。园林假山中所设计的谷、峡、深涧等就是对这类自然景观的摹写。 Performance of rolling mountains, or two mountains and Zhi, zigzag mountain landscape, has the characteristics of abundant scenery, deep. If the lofty emphasis is the elevation design, then the profound performance is the vertical promotion in the graphic design. In nature, the mountain canyon topography, such as the incised action of the river, gives us a profound and precipitous beauty. The design of the garden rockery, gorge, river valley is of this kind of natural landscape depiction. 平远 Pingyuan 根据透视原理来表现平冈山岳、错落蜿蜒的山体景观。深远山水所注重的是山景的纵深和和层次,而平远山水追求的是逶迤连绵,起伏多变的低山丘陵效果,给人以千里江山不尽、万顷碧波荡漾之感,具有清逸、秀丽、舒朗的特点。正如张涟所主张的“群峰造天,不如平冈小坂,陵阜陂,缀之以石。”苏州拙政园远香堂北与之隔水相望的主景假山(即两座以土石结合的岛山),正是这一假山造型的典型之作;其摹仿的是沉积砂岩(黄石)的自然露头岩石的层状结构,突出于水面,构成了平远山水的意境。 According to the perspective principle to show the flat mountain, scattered mountain landscape. The focus is a great landscape mountain depth and level, while the Pingyuan landscape is the pursuit of the border of continuous low hills, effect of changing, in order to give people a thousand miles of endless, boundless expanse of blue water rippling feeling, has the characteristics of beautiful, Seiitsu, Shulang. As Zhang Lian advocated "as peaks made heaven, Hiraoka Osaka, Fu Ling Po, decorated with stone." Suzhou Humble Administrator's Garden far Xiang Tong North and across the river is the main rockery (two seat to earth with island mountain), is this a rockery style typical of the imitation; is sedimentary sandstone (Huangshi) layered structure of the natural rock outcrop, prominent on the water surface, constitute the Pingyuan landscape artistic conception. 假山制作主要有掇山. 塑山. 置石三种形式,总的来说,无论是用种方法制作假山,都要达到以下要求: There are hills. Making rockery stone hill. Three forms, in general, whether it is made by method of rockery must meet the following requirements: 一是造型。 One is modeling. 所谓假山,其实不假,其气质甚至胜出真山。人说“风景如画”,意谓画之景可以取舍,胜于风景,其理一样。但若假山堆得不好,则不在其列。假山造型,轮廊线须有变化,变化中又须求得均衡。 The so-called rockery, in fact, is not false, and its temperament even win the true mountain. People say "picturesque" means that the painting scenery can be chosen, better than the scenery, the same reason. But if the rockery is not good, it is not in the column. Rockery shape, contour lines must change, change and balance shall be obtained. “山不在高,贵有层次,……”(陈从周《说园》)艺术中的层次之美,在于掩映,在于含蓄。堆山堆出有层次感,最关键的是峰恋要有立体布局。产生前后掩映,似表现出“崇山峻岭”之感。后面的被前面的遮住有章法,则更能显示出山的嵯峨之气势,甚有力度。扬州个园之秋山,可谓黄石假山之上品。实而不闷,高峻而又奇险。若说具体手法,则更要重一个“虚”字;注意山形之凹凸变化及洞壑之大小搭配为上。 "Mountains are not high, but there are layers.",......" (Chen Congzhou said garden) the beauty of the level in art lies in hiding and hiding. Heap mountain has a sense of hierarchy, the most critical is the peak love to have three-dimensional layout. Produced before and after the show "like trees, high mountains and lofty hills" feeling. The back of the front cover is permissive, you can display all the towering momentum, very powerful. Akiyama Yangzhou Park, Huangshi is the top grade of rockery. It is not stuffy, tall and odd risk. If the specific practices, is more to a "virtual" word; note that the size of the caves and Yamagata convex changes for the collocation. 二是险峻 The two is precipitous 假山仿真山,仿得是气质,不是做真山的模型。要去其糟粕,取其精华。真山之美,一在巍峨雄健,二在险峻挺拔。假山虽小,但其姿态气质不亚于真山之雄伟 Rockery simulation mountain, imitation is temperament, not to do the true mountain model. We should get rid of the dross and take the essence. True beauty in a towering mountain, vigorous, steep tall in two. Rockery is small, but its attitude is no less than the majesty of the true mountain |
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