庭院假山的样式 |
添加时间:2017/8/30 15:09:19 浏览次数: |
人们总有着一种特殊的情怀,把自然引入家庭,让我们随时感受大自然的存在,假山鱼池景观已逐步成为现代家庭的室内装饰。美丽的鱼儿在珊瑚间悠然穿梭,碧绿的水草在清水中随波而动。这些美妙的景象都要归功于庭院院假山鱼池的设计。 People always have a special feeling, bring nature into the family, let us feel the presence of nature at any time, the landscape of the rockery pond has gradually become the interior decoration of the modern family. The beautiful fish move through the coral, and the green grass moves with the waves in the clear water. All of these wonderful sights are attributed to the design of the fishpond in the courtyard. 假山鱼池设计,请联系园融园林,专业为您服务。 The design of the rockery pond, please contact the garden, professional for your service. 庭院假山是相对真山而言,以自然的山石为蓝本,用天然的山石叠砌出微型“真山”,浓缩了大自然的神韵和精华,使人从中领略到自然山水的意境。庭院假山的天然石材有:太湖石、英石、斧劈石、石笋石、千层石、龟纹石等等。 Garden rockery is relatively true mountain, is based on the rock with nature, with natural rock stack of build by laying bricks or stones out of the tiny "mountain", enrich the spirit and essence of nature, make the person to appreciate the natural landscape artistic conception. The natural stone materials of the garden rockery are: taihu stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, stone, etc. 千层石:石上纹理清晰,多呈凹凸、平直状,具有一定的韵律,线条流畅,时有波折、起伏。主要产于安徽灵璧县、河北省遵化市石峪村、浙江省衢州市常山县、江山市、香港大埔区东平洲岛海岸。以此石叠制的假山,纹理古朴、雄浑自然,易表现出陡峭、险峻、飞扬的意境。给观赏者以高山流水,归游自然的欣悦。 Stone: the texture of the stone is clear, it is more concave and convex, it has a certain rhythm, the line is smooth, there are ups and downs. It is mainly produced in lingbixian county of anhui province, shiyu village in zunhua city of zunhua city, changshan county of Quzhou City, zhejiang province, jiangshan city, and the coast of tung ping chau island, tai Po district, Hong Kong. The masquerade of the rockery, the texture of the ancient, bold and natural, easy to show steep, steep, flying artistic conception. Give the viewer a high mountain stream, return to the natural euphoric. 太湖石:太湖石为我国古代著名四大玩石之一,因产于太湖而得名,它是指产于环绕太湖的苏州洞庭西山、宜兴一带的石灰岩,其中以鼋山和禹期山最为著名。太湖石为典型的传统供石,以造型取胜,“瘦、皱、漏、透”是其主要审美特征,多玲珑剔透、重峦叠嶂之姿,宜作园林石等。 Taihu: accompany for Chinese ancient famous one of the four big rock, named after the deep in taihu lake, it refers to the suzhou dongting xishan from around the taihu lake, yixing area of limestone, of which can, mountains and yu is the most famous. Taihu stone is a typical traditional stone, to win the shape, "thin, wrinkles, leakage," is its main aesthetic characteristics, more exquisite and exquisite, the heavy mountains, suitable for the garden stone. 英石:英石,又称英德石,产于广东省英德市。它具有“皱、瘦、漏、透”等特点,极具观赏和收藏价值,被列为中国四大园林名石之一。英石常见黑色、青灰色,以黝黑如漆为佳,石块常间杂白色方解石条纹。 Stone: stone, also known as an inte stone, is produced in yingde, guangdong province. It has the characteristics of "wrinkle, thinness, leakage and penetration". It is highly ornamental and valuable. It is listed as one of the four garden names in China. Quartz is common in black and grey, with black as the best paint, stone often intermixed white calcite. 斧劈石:斧劈石因其形状修长、刚劲,造景时做剑峰绝壁景观,尤其雄秀,色泽自然。斧劈石产于我国较多地区,犹以江苏武进、丹阳的斧劈石在盆景界最为有名。斧劈石属硬质石材,其表面皴纹与中国画中“斧劈皴”相似,四川川康地区也有大量此类石材。黄蜡石:因石表层内蜡状质感色感而得名。主要产于两广地区,又以产于广东东江沿岸(河源)及潮州的质地最好,石色纯正。产地另有广东、揭西、佛冈、韶关、清远、台山、开平、电白,广西柳州、贺州、钟山、金秀、浙江衢州等地。质地以润滑而细腻为贵。吸水石:吸水石又名“砂积石”、“上水石”,吸水石也做上水石,原因是盆中蓄水后,慢慢可吸到顶端。石上可栽植野草、藓苔,青翠苍润,是制作盆景的上好石材。吸水石由于暄而脆易于造型,可随意凿槽、钻洞、雕刻出各式各样的形状。吸水石天然洞穴很多,有的互相穿连通气,小的洞穴如气孔,这就是吸水性强的主要原因。主要产于山西、山东、北京、河北省邯郸市磁县、保定市易县等地。龟纹石:龟纹石表面横竖乱纹,类似龟壳上的纹理,侧面还有棱角。主要产在安徽宿州市,重庆市的歌乐山、涂山,山东省费县城北的钟罗山山系,山东省费县城北的钟罗山山系。主要用来做假山,修驳岸,做盆景假山。总之,龟纹石在很多地方都有出产,其观赏性较高。 It has a long and rigid shape, especially for the male show and its color nature. It is produced in many parts of China, and it is the most famous in the potted landscape of jiangsu wujin and danyang. It is hard stone, and its surface is similar to that of Chinese painting. Sichuan kangkang region also has a large number of such stones. Yellow wax stone: it gets its name from the sense of waxy texture in the surface of the stone. It is mainly produced in the two regions, and is the best quality in the east river (heyuan) and chaozhou. Guangdong, jixi, Buddha, shaoguan, qingyuan, taishan, kaiping, dianbai, guangxi liuzhou, he zhou, zhong shan, jinxiu, zhejiang quzhou and other places. Texture is expensive to lubricate. Absorbent stone: the water absorbent stone is also known as "sand accumulation stone" and "shangshui stone". The water absorbent stone is also made of water stone, which can be slowly absorbed to the top after the water is stored in the basin. The stone can be planted with weeds, moss, green and green, it is a good stone for making bonsai. The water absorbent stone is easy to shape because of small talk, but it is easy to gouge, drill holes and carve out various shapes. There are many natural caves of water absorbent stone, some of which are interworn with each other, and small holes such as stomata, which are the main causes of water absorption. It is mainly produced in shanxi, shandong, Beijing, handan city of hebei province, and baoding city yi county, etc. Tortoise stone: the surface of the turtle stone is streaked, similar to the texture of the shell, the side and the corner. The main products are in suzhou city, anhui province, the city of golishan, tu shan, shandong province, north of the zhong luoshan mountain system, the north of the city of shandong province. Mainly used for the rockery, to repair the shore, to make the bonsai. In a word, the tortoise stone is produced in many places, its ornamental quality is higher. |
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