Height design principle of automatic retractable door
● People's aesthetic habits
According to people's aesthetic habits, people feel most comfortable
when they look at things that come into people's view, but neither look
up nor look down. Therefore, the height design of the automatic
retractable door should also follow this aesthetic habit to prevent
people from forming aesthetic fatigue.
● Mechanical principle
Automatic retractable doors are often installed outdoors, inevitably
subject to rain, sun, and wind. According to the mechanical principle,
the higher the automatic retractable door is, the worse its ability to
resist these injuries is. This is the truth of the so-called "big trees
attract wind". The higher the height of the automatic retractable door
is, the greater the sun exposure area, rain drenching area and wind
blowing area it contacts. In addition, the center of gravity moves
upward due to the high height, the resistance of the retractable door to
rain and wind blowing will be significantly reduced