现代园林假山的发展与古典园林假山不同,呈现了多元化,综合化的趋势。 古典假山限于石材及施工技术条件等,在景观的创作方面有一定的局限性。但现代施工技术及人造石材料的发展逐渐使创造多变的、丰富的山石景观成为可能。特别是对于大规模、大体量石山的创作,可从自然地貌形态特征及组合特点中吸取到创作的灵感。
The development of modern garden rockery is different from that of classical garden rockery, showing the trend of diversification and integration. The classical rockery is limited to stone materials and construction technical conditions, and has certain limitations in the creation of landscape. However, with the development of modern construction technology and artificial stone materials, it is possible to create varied and rich rock landscapes. Especially for the creation of large-scale and large-scale stone mountain, we can draw inspiration from the characteristics of natural landform and combination.